The method of genre criticism in the Old Testament. History of its development

History of its development


  • Leandro Ariel Verdini Pont. Univ. Cat. Argentina (Buenos Aires)



Form Criticism, History of the Genres, Sitz im Leben, Literary Genres, Redaction Criticism, Gattungsgeschichte


In this article, we present the fundamental stages of the history of methodological development of Gattungsgeschichte or also called “Form Criticism” in Old Testament studies. We propose to delimit the advances and searches of this methodology in three periods. The first of them presents Hermann Gunkel and his first disciples. We expose its fundamental proposals for the application of criticism and the main achievements obtained. The second period is characterized by the first attempts of systematization and by great authors who developed the method. The third period we consider the moment of greatest crystallization in the methodology; different manuals and works were produced that simplified its teaching to the public. Finally, new proposals and principles of application are introduced, fruit of the development of other scientific convictions in the studies of the Old Testament, that enriched the method and today demand substantial reforms.



How to Cite

Verdini, Leandro Ariel. 2017. “The Method of Genre Criticism in the Old Testament. History of Its Development: History of Its Development”. Revista Bíblica 79 (1-2):43-57.



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