The adjective eúelpis in the light of Greek literature, the LXX and P. Mich. Zen. 107


  • Cristina Buffa Université de Strasbourg



Eúelpis, In good hopes, Confident, Cheerful, Hopeful, Greek literature, LXX, Prov 19,18, 3 Macc 2,33, Wisd 12,9, P. Mich. Zen. 107,18-19, Hapax


Inspired by the article of Scarpat on eúelpis in Wisd 12,19, the author wishes to further examine this term, in order to shed light on the single occurrence of the term in the Wisdom of Solomon, as well on its usage in non-biblical Greek, in the LXX and in the extant Hellenistic documentary papyri. This contribution therefore presents a lexicographical study of the adjective eúelpis and can be divided into three parts. First, attention will be given to a selected set of examples of this term in Greek literature. Second, its occurrences in the LXX will be considered in detail. This survey will end with the investigation of eúelpis in P. Mich. Zen. 107,18-19.


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How to Cite

Buffa, Cristina. 2022. “The Adjective Eúelpis in the Light of Greek Literature, the LXX and P. Mich. Zen. 107”. Revista Bíblica 84 (1-2):9-27.



Research Studies