Divine Law and the Emergence of Monotheism in Deuteronomy


  • Dominik Markl Pontificio Instituo Bíblio, Roma




Deuteronomy, Monotheism, Divine Law, Early Judaism


Both the idea of divine law and the development of monotheism are specific
and decisive elements in the history of religion attested by the Hebrew Bible.
This article presents an analysis of Deuteronomy 4, the only text in the Hebrew
Bible in which the revelation of divine law and an explicit monotheistic claim are
systematically related. Compared to the conceptions of law in the ancient Near East
and ancient Greece, Deuteronomy 4 is shown to have made an important contribution
to the specific identity of emergent Judaism.


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How to Cite

Markl, Dominik. 2020. “Divine Law and the Emergence of Monotheism in Deuteronomy”. Revista Bíblica 82 (3-4):275-98. https://doi.org/10.47182/rb.82.n3-4-2020238.



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