Architecture of a Sacrificial Story

Structure of Gn 22:1-19 based on Discourse Analysis


  • Agustín Alvarez Pontificio Instituto Bíblico (Roma, Italia)



discourse analysis, quotative frames, participants references, discourse topics, Genesis, Aqedah, structure


Discourse analysis is a formal discipline dedicated to the identification
and study of different linguistic features present in written texts, which allow, among
other things, the identification and organization of these texts. Taking the story of Abraham’s sacrifice (Gn 22:1–19) as an illustrative example of applying a study
of this type, and not being a method, some elements of this analysis will be used as a basis for a proposed structure. Being a narrative text, with several characters
and sections of dialogues, the attention to the quotative frames and the participants'
referents are useful to recognize the unity of the text in its final form. The study of
the sequence of topics that follow each other throughout the text is useful for the
final organization of the structure. This paper reports on the usefulness of discourse
analysis for studying the structure of a biblical text.


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How to Cite

Alvarez, Agustín. 2025. “Architecture of a Sacrificial Story: Structure of Gn 22:1-19 Based on Discourse Analysis”. Revista Bíblica 86 (3-4):243-75.



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