The Transformative Power of Grace

Romans and 2 Corinthians


  • John M. G. Barclay Durham University



Romans, Corinthians, Pauline studies, New Perspective, Grace, Participation, Incongruity


The author focuses the investigation on the letter to the Romans, where Paul treats the history of the grace in a wide sense; which extends from Adam to the redemption of all creation. Here the unconditional nature of grace constitutes its decisive characteristic; although grace also has a transforming effect, by contributing to “the obedience of faith” (Rom 1,5),by which grace is not only received but transmitted, according to the models
of gift and generosity. In 2 Cor 8–9, it appears clearly that this grace (charis) has much to do, both with “ethics” and with “theology”, because salvation refers to a transforming knowledge of Christ that implies sharing in the life of the risen one and in the divine dynamics of grace.


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How to Cite

Barclay, John M. G. 2019. “The Transformative Power of Grace: Romans and 2 Corinthians”. Revista Bíblica 81 (1-2):73-89.



Research Studies