One God - Numerous Theologies?


  • Erhard Gerstenberger Philipps-Universität Marburg (Alemania)



Homo sapiens, Inúmeras Teologias, Pós-metafísico, Deus do meu pai, Árvore-chefe, Deus absconditus


Whoever wants to talk about God should first reflect on the human instruments to conceptualize such an immense (it can't be object!), over-defined and totally unknown "object". We are in a position like a craftsman preparing to make a sculpture or paint a picture. He (or she) has to check the means of working to get a good result.
In the same way we have to evaluate our means to speak about God. From time immemorial homo sapiens (and, who knows, his antecedents) experienced divine forces both frightening and benevolent, but almost always inscrutable.


Alt, Albrecht, „Der Gott der Väter“ (1929), en id., Kleine Schriften zur Geschichte Israels, vol. I, München 1968, 1-78.

Alt, Albrecht, “O Deus paterno” (1929), en Erhard Gerstenberger, Deus no Antigo Testamento, São Paulo 1981, 31-71.

Andiñach, Pablo R., El Dios que está. Teología del Antiguo Testamento, Estella 2014.

Bíblia de Jerusalém, São Paulo 2012.

Edzard, Dietz Otto, Königslisten und Chroniken, A. Sumerisch, RlA vol. 6, 1983, 77-86.

Gerstenberger, Erhard S., Teologias no Antigo Testamento, Pluralidade e sincretismo da fé em Deus no Antigo Testamento, São Leopoldo 2007.

Gerstenberger, Erhard S., Israel no tempo dos Persas. Séculos V e IV antes de Cristo, São Paulo 2014.

Habermas, Jürgen, Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie, 2 vols., Berlin 2019.

La Biblia Latinoamericana, Madrid 1972.

Latour, Bruno, Jubiler ou Les tourments de la parole religieuse, Paris 2002.

Wikipedia, “Theophoric Name” (, visto em 1.10.2021.

Schmid, Konrad, Die Entstehung der Bibel. Von den ersten Texten zu den heiligen Schriften, 3.ª ed., Darmstadt 2020.



How to Cite

Gerstenberger, Erhard. 2022. “One God - Numerous Theologies?”. Revista Bíblica 84 (1-2):143-57.



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