Textual Criticism and Latin American Hermeneutics


  • Cássio Murilo Dias da Silva Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil)




textual criticism, critical apparatus, variants, hermeneutics


This article takes as its starting point the assumption that many conscious
changes in the transcription of a text have a hermeneutical function: for them, the
scribes recorded how a particular verse should or could be read and applied in
the practical life of their community. In other words, such voluntary changes are
adaptations to theological, pastoral and ecclesial needs. This article is more a provocation
than a systematization of an approach already widely held. Through the
analysis of some examples, we want to demonstrate that the study of textual criticism
offers a fruitful field of possibilities that Latin American hermeneutics can
explore. The discussion of each text taken as an example will always follow the
following steps: transcription of the critical apparatus, the option of the editorial
committee (that is, classic textual criticism), discussion by some commentators and
proposals on how textual variants could be used in Latin American reading.


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How to Cite

Dias da Silva, Cássio Murilo. 2021. “Textual Criticism and Latin American Hermeneutics”. Revista Bíblica 83 (3-4):261-86. https://doi.org/10.47182/rb.83.n3-4-2021290.



Research Studies