Jerome and Origen's On First Principles

The Translator and his Context


  • Samuel Fernandez Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile



Jerome, Origen, Rufinus, Justinian, Translation


This article analyses the fragments of the Latin translation of Origen’s
De principiis by Jerome in order to understand the relationship between the translator
and his context. To this end, the article offers some methodological caveats,
studies the passages of the treatise that have the testimony of Jerome, Rufinus and
Justinian, analyses Jerome’s tendency as a translator and, finally, seeks to identify
the historical-theological reasons that explain his tendencies.


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How to Cite

Fernandez, Samuel. 2021. “Jerome and Origen’s On First Principles: The Translator and His Context”. Revista Bíblica 83 (1-2):203-19.



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