Latin American and Caribbean Reading of the Bible and Postcolonial reading of the Bible
A Critical Comparison
Postcolonial reading of the Bible, Latin American and Caribbean reading of the Bible, Decolonial thought, Philippians, Rhetorical analysis, Socio-historical analysis, FeminismAbstract
In this article we intend to compare the Latin American and Caribbean
reading of the Bible and the Postcolonial reading of the Bible. We started doing a cursory count of characteristics of both hermeneutical approaches and then we compare them. As an example we present two analysis of Paul’s letter to the Philippians from the two perspectives. The analysis corresponds to studies on Philippians from the feminist and post-colonial perspective of Joseph A. Marchal, and
from the Latin American and feminist perspective of Elsa Tamez. We begin with an introduction to the current situation of the approaches of both readings, including decolonial thought, i.e. the reaction of Latin American scholars to postcolonial theories. We conclude with the challenge of decolonial studies to Latin American biblical studies.
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