Isaiah and Luke in dialogue
A proposal of dialogic intertextuality through the main explicit Isaiah quotations in Lukan work
Luke, Isaiah, Intertextuality, UniversalismAbstract
The theological Project of Luke is constructed in continuity with the Old Testament. Luke wants to show the unity of God’s plan of salvation which, Luke himself, develops a history of salvation. In this sense, the Old Testament intertextual references permeate the two Lucan works. In these works, the presence of citations and allusions taken from the book of the prophet Isaiah is of special importance. Six explicit citations from the book of the prophet Isaiah, by their size and location in the Lucan account, are of great importance (Lk 3:4-6; Act 7:49-50; 8:32-33; 13:47; 28:26-27), which have served as the basis for listening to the intertextual dialogue that is established between two different communicative dynamics but that is part of the biblical chorus of voices.
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