The Hermeneutic Problem of the Approach to the Biblical Text


  • George Reyes



hermeneútica, hermeneia, hermeneutics, Gadamer


In the Western context, hermeneutics has been making us aware about one of the biggest and most debated problems with which confronting all interpreters in their hermeneutical work: subjectivity or absence of objectivity or neutrality. This awareness raising work would have to be carried out mainly by philosophical hermeneutics in the context European, through one of its most prominent and influential representatives and forerunners of postmodern hermeneutical thinking; I mean to the German humanist and philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900-2002), with whom According to Thiselton, in the mid-twentieth century, hermeneutics would experience its second turn, after the one experienced with the work of the most great 19th century theologian and philosopher, together with G. W. F. Hegel and S. Kierkegaard: F. D. E. Schleiermacher (1768-1834).

Without pretending to exhaust the richness of Gadamer's thought on the subject, in this chapter, and in its first part, I will try to synthesize it, basically of his fundamental work: Truth and Method. In the second and final part, we will summarize their contribution and their challenge.



How to Cite

Reyes, George. 2013. “The Hermeneutic Problem of the Approach to the Biblical Text”. Revista Bíblica 75 (3-4):181-92.



Research Studies