Vision : A Latin Network of Biblical Scholars of the Americas
During the International Congress of Biblical Studies (Buenos Aires, July 2019), the idea of building a "Latin Network of Biblical Scholars of the Americas" (ReLaBA) came up. The participants felt the need to have in Latin America something similar to IOSOT (International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament): a simple and agile structure that periodically organizes study congresses and publishes the material produced. On a more continuous basis, it should encourage the publication of research papers, promote knowledge and the exchange of teachers and resources. From this network, it will also be possible to organize on-line courses (e-learning), publish introductory manuals, promote relations with other similar institutions and centers of higher learning.
To foster and strengthen the joint work of biblical research with emphasis on the themes and realities of Latin America and the Caribbean, through congresses, publications, research projects and collaborations.
Our Journal on the Network
According to its academic and Latin American identity, Revista Biblica wants to serve as a platform for exchange and communication among biblical scholars throughout the Americas. Therefore, it gathers information about the resources we have in our continent. Users will be able to find the corresponding contacts, exchange resources and publicize their activities.
- Asociación Bíblica Argentina
- Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa Bíblica
- Asociación de Biblistas de México
- Asociación Bíblica Chilena
- Biblista Aty del Paraguay
Periodical publications of research in the biblical field:
- Revista Bíblica
- Estudos Bíblicos
- ReBiblica
Institutes of higher education specialized in Biblical and related sciences in Latin America:
- Centro Bíblico Teológico Pastoral para América Latina y el Caribe (CEBITEPAL)
- Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente (CEHAO)
- Semillero en Hermenéutica Bíblica Latinoamericana (HBL)
- Instituto Bíblico Claretiano de las Américas (IBICLA)
- Universidad Bíblica Latinoamericana (UBL)
- Centro Bíblico Nuestra Señora de Sion
Faculties of Theology with specialization in Biblical Theology:
International meetings that aim to link Latin biblical scholars from all over the Americas, promote study and scientific exchange, recover the exegetical and hermeneutical tradition of the continent and make visible its contribution to the Church and the Academy, taking advantage of the platform offered by Revista Bíblica.
- I Congreso Internacional de Estudios Bíblicos (Buenos Aires, 2019)
- II CIEB (Bogotá 2022)
Systematic training courses offered by the associations and institutions that are part of ReLaBA:
Bibliografía y herramientas disponibles en Bibliography and tools available on the web and useful for studying and teaching
Books in free digital version:
- Bible Odyseey en castellano (Traducciones realizadas por socios de la Asociación Bíblica Argentina)
- J.L. D’Amico – C. Mendoza (eds.), La Palabra está muy cerca de ti, en tu boca y en tu corazón… Dt 30,14.Homenaje a Fray Gabriel Nápole O.P., 1959-2013, (Suplementos a la Revista Bíblica 1), Buenos Aires 2015, 2a. ed. digital 2021)
- E. de la Serna, Estudios Paulinos. 30 años de encuentro con el apóstol (Suplementos a la Revista Bíblica 6), Buenos Aires 2019, 2a. ed. digital 2021)
Bibliographic sources:
- Bibliografía bíblica latinoamericana (fundada por M. Schwantes en la Universidade Metodista de de São Paulo)