Editorial Process


Submission of articles

Submission of articles to the journal is ongoing. All manuscripts should be submitted through the journal's OJS or sent to the following e-mail address: director@revistabiblica.com.
Anyone wishing to publish in Revista Bíblica (RevBib) must comply with its ethical, academic and editorial standards.
The author must send an updated Curriculum Vitae, including his contact details, including postal address and ORCID identifier, together with the article.
Receipt of a manuscript does not imply an obligation to publish it.

Peer review process

Before being accepted for publication, articles will be subjected to a peer-review process (double-blind peer-review) to ensure their suitability for the objectives of the Journal. This evaluation is carried out by external referees, specialists in the respective subjects. The favourable opinion of both reviewers is a necessary condition for publication. Within one to three months, the journal will send the authors of the articles the final opinion with the reasons for the decision and other relevant observations made in the review process.

Manuscript preparation, editing and journal production

Once the article has been approved and authorised for publication, the actual editorial work begins, the aim of which is to transform the original manuscript into printed and digital text. At the time of publication, the Publisher will send the Author a PDF file with the final version of the article.
Manuscripts are proofread and adjusted according to the editorial criteria adopted by the journal.
The author reviews the suggested style corrections and approves or rejects them. The application of editorial criteria is not negotiated with the authors, unless they alter the meaning of the text.
After approval of the corrections made in the first reading, no changes to the text by the author other than errata corrections are allowed.