Theology and Strategy in the First Letter of Peter


  • María José Schultz M. Universidad de Deusto



1 Peter, Theology & Ethics, Good Works, Catholic Epistles, Early Christian Mission, Acculturation


For a long time, the centre of attention in the studies of 1 Peter was the strategy proposed by the author to his addressees, in order to overcome the
hostility without renouncing his faith. This article aims to answer the question about the role of theology in the strategy of 1 Pe, providing an alternative perspective to the theses about acculturation and resistance. The study is the second part of a previous work published under the title “Los destinatarios de la primera carta de Pedro en la sociedad greco-romana del siglo I”.


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How to Cite

Schultz M., María José. 2019. “Theology and Strategy in the First Letter of Peter”. Revista Bíblica 81 (3-4):363-84.



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