“Would That All Yhwh’s People Were Prophets!” (Num 11:29)

Glimpses of Synodality in the Book of Numbers?


  • Francesco Cocco Universidad Pontificia Comillas




Authority, Co-responsibility, Charisma, Spirit, Synodality, Book of Numbers


The article offers a contribution to the understanding of synodality from
the biblical point of view. In particular, the intended attempt is to show how some
of the foundations of synodality that clearly emerge in the New Testament can already
be traced back to the religious and spiritual heritage of ancient Israel, preserved in the Old Testament. For this, the story of the election of the seventy elders contained in Nm 11,4-30 is chosen, focused on the theme of the exercise of authority in the people of Israel. Through the exegetical analysis of the story and the semantic study of the key words, we will try to demonstrate that the story points to the theme of a shared authority among the different components of the people of God.


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How to Cite

Cocco, Francesco. 2024. “‘Would That All Yhwh’s People Were Prophets!’ (Num 11:29): Glimpses of Synodality in the Book of Numbers?”. Revista Bíblica 86 (1-2):35-51. https://doi.org/10.47182/rb.86.n1-2-2024396.



Research Studies