“And having seen him, he was moved with compassion... and cared for him”

Exegesis of Lk 10,25-37


  • Hugo R. Sosa




See, Compassion, Neighbour, Samaritan, Exemplary Story


The heading, “And having seen him, he was moved with compassion ... and
cared for him”, presents the theme, and the sub-heading, “Exegesis of Lk 10,25-37”,
the text and the objective: An exegetical analysis. The method chosen is the Historical
Critical Method. In this diachronic process, an approach to the prehistory of the text
will be carried out. The forms present in it will be analyzed, especially the one that
refers to the well-known story of the “good Samaritan”. This one, although it maintains
the characteristics of a parable, is discovered as an exemplary story. From the steps
taken from “the world of the Text”, we will be able to arrive at the last section of the
study by verifying that “writing grows with those who read it” (Gregory the Great).


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How to Cite

Sosa, Hugo R. 2023. “‘And Having Seen Him, He Was Moved With compassion. And Cared for him’: Exegesis of Lk 10,25-37”. Revista Bíblica 85 (3-4):403-36. https://doi.org/10.47182/rb.85.n3-4-2023366.



Research Studies