Esau and Jacob, an Example of Restorative Justice?


  • Ianire Angulo Ordorika Facultad de Teología de la Universidad Loyola Andalucía (España)



Jacob's Cycle, Restorative Justice, Fraternity, Reconciliation


Restorative justice has been shown to be a useful and valuable resource
for advancing reconciliation and reestablishing the social and personal bonds that
violence has broken. Although this concept is foreign to Scripture, this article proposes
how the biblical story of the encounter between Esau and Jacob concentrates
in a germinal way elements of this peculiar way of redressing injustices and how
it can be useful when accompanying restorative processes from a believing perspective.
For this purpose, before dealing with the biblical story, the essential keys
of restorative justice are presented, and it is shown how this finds a certain echo in
the biblical perception of justice.


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How to Cite

Angulo Ordorika, Ianire. 2023. “Esau and Jacob, an Example of Restorative Justice?”. Revista Bíblica 85 (1-2):115-35.



Research Studies