Pregnosticism in St. Paul

the archontes


  • Javier Quezada del Rio Universidad Iberoamericana, México, D. F.



Paul, Gnosticism, Demiurge, Gnostic


The author reviews the most important theses about the origin of Gnostic
systems, but does not incline himself towards one or another. He clarifies nevertheless
that those systems go far either from Judaism or from Christianity. He afirms
that, even if the debate is centered in Johanine corpus, the Pauline epistles merit
priority because of their antiquity. The author analyzes in these epistles what is said
about archonts and demiurge, centering the study in the use the words: thrones,
sovereignties, authorities, principalities, and powers, later relating them to myths spoken of in pastoral letters. His conclusion is that Paul is not completely coherent
or uniform, and that demonstrates precisely that he didn’t oppose a definite system
and, thereafter, is not possible to speak about Protognosticism in his time, even if
there are Pregnostic elements, in other words, elements that evolved in second century
Gnostic systems.


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How to Cite

Quezada del Rio, Javier. 2023. “Pregnosticism in St. Paul: The Archontes”. Revista Bíblica 85 (1-2):187-210.



Research Studies