Between Liberty and Justice

From Galatians to Romans


  • Néstor O. Míguez Profesor emérito del ISEDET (Buenos Aires)



Pauline Theology, Law and grace, Dispositive, Liberty, Justice and justification, Messiah


Both Pauline letters, Galatians and Romans, deal with the issue of the law and the relationship between law and salvation. Both propose the central role of the Messiah Jesus in the fulfillment of the law and the limits of the law for the redemption. Both letters deal with the idea of justification and freedom. Yet, while Galatians puts the stress on the liberty (eleutería) of the believer in face of the law, the key word in Romans, concerning the same issue, is justice (dikaiosýne). Why this change of emphasis in the argument? What is the relationship between liberty from the law and justice apart from the law? The use of the concept of the law as a device (following Foucault and Agamben’s understanding of what is a device – also translated into English as dispositive or apparatus) will help us to relate both arguments, and also show its hermeneutical value for the issues of today’s international politics in face of the Empire.


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How to Cite

Míguez, Néstor O. 2019. “Between Liberty and Justice: From Galatians to Romans”. Revista Bíblica 81 (1-2):137-53.



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