Martínez Higueras, “Haced discípulos”. El discipulado en el evangelio de Mateo a la luz de la literatura rabínica


  • Carolina Insfrán Instituto Claret, Buenos Aires (Argentina)



The work of Martínez Higueras is developed in seven chapters and punctually investigates the discipleship in the Gospel of Matthew from the Tannaitic conception. The clear and orderly exposition, the abundant and updated bibliography on the subject offered by the author are the subject offered by the author. The study approaches, with its own method, the concept of discipleship in two rabbinical works: the treatise of Abot; belonging to the Mishnah and the Mekilta of Rabbi Yismael, one of the first midrashic texts of halakhic order. From this evidence in the rabbinical texts and the analysis of the cultural context in which Matthew uses the same concept, we proceed to the heart of the work: the comparison between both discipleships, the rabbinical and the Jesuit, to delineate as clearly as possible the identity of the discipleship in the Matthean work.



How to Cite

Insfrán, Carolina. 2022. “Martínez Higueras, ‘Haced discípulos’. El Discipulado En El Evangelio De Mateo a La Luz De La Literatura rabínica”. Revista Bíblica 84 (1-2):176-78.



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