The Luke’s Presentation of Women as Disciple Models in the Exercise of the Service


  • Zhixia Zhang Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca



Mujeres, Bienes, Casa, Primeras Comunidades Cristianas, Evangelio de Lucas, Libro de los Hechos


The objective of this article is to find out whether the experience of the service of women in the early Christian communities reflected in the Acts influenced Luke to present and model the image of women in the traditions about Jesus in his gospel. The study carries out the passages with reference to the actions of the women’s service in the Luke’s works (Gospel and Acts of the Apostles). This first part of the work aims to bring the reader closer to the way in which Lucas presents the service of women. And then it explains the relationship between the presentation of the service of women in the Gospel of Luke and Acts, resulting in an approach to the redactional strategy and theological meaning that are behind both works.


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How to Cite

Zhang, Zhixia. 2022. “The Luke’s Presentation of Women As Disciple Models in the Exercise of the Service”. Revista Bíblica 84 (1-2):97-118.



Research Studies