The Formation of the Heart

Ps 33,15 and its implications for the Theology of Education


  • Richard Edmundo Colmenares Chacón Univ. Cat. Cecilio Acosta de Maracaibo (Venezuela)



Tradition, Teaching, Education, Discernment


The article seeks to demonstrate the educational horizon present in Psalm 33, and its doctrinal implications for the construction of a criteriological Theology of Education. This is based on the hymnal recognition of the psalm, in which corpus we find a structure in the form of a pentad, formed by five teachings that the Psalmist seeks to convey to his praying recipients. We consider the fourth teaching of the psalm to be central. For that reason, it has been the one we have developed in-depth, recognizing in it the formation of the heart, which is a formative action that God continues to carry out: God forms the heart of each one by discerning his/her actions.


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How to Cite

Colmenares Chacón, Richard Edmundo. 2017. “The Formation of the Heart: Ps 33,15 and Its Implications for the Theology of Education”. Revista Bíblica 79 (1-2):15-41.



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