Among the Identities of Jesus: A Prophet Named John


  • Carmen Román Martínez Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Facultad de Teología (España)



John the Baptist, prophetism, preaching, desert, lifestyle


The present article aims to approach the figure of John the Baptist following
Matthew’s presentation of his person and his message, to try to discover
how this eschatological prophet can appear among the identities with which the
people refer to Jesus and whether there really is something of John in the person
of Jesus of Nazareth. Starting from the question about who the Son of Man is (Mt
16:13-14) we will try to outline those traits that help us to identify common elements
in both characters for which they were recognized in the society of their time.


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How to Cite

Román Martínez, Carmen. 2021. “Among the Identities of Jesus: A Prophet Named John”. Revista Bíblica 83 (3-4):363-84.



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