The addressees of Peter's first letter in first-century Greco-Roman society
1 Peter, Early Christian movement, Christian ethic, Greco-roman societyAbstract
The present article is the first part of a major exegetical work whose object has been to verify if there is an explicit missionary strategy in the writing. This study aims to bring the reader closer to the socio-historical context of the 1 Pe recipients, their vital situation and the dominant values of Greco-Roman society of the i century. In order to unravel the points of encounter and difference between Christian discourse and civil society, the behavioural proposal of the letter is compared with the values of the time, resulting in the identification of the theological arguments that are based on the proposed values and an approach to the strategy that is behind the letter. The second part of this work offer an exegesis of the domestic code of 1 Pe, will deepen the specificity of the theology present in the writing.
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