The Discoursive Sections in the Gospel of Matthew

Study of Its Structure and Literary Patterns


  • Juan Sebastián Hernández Valencia Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia



Gospel of Matthew, Discursive sections, Narrative structure, Literary patterns, Lexical resources


The proposals for understanding the literary and theological structure of
the Gospel of Matthew have fallen into a certain subjectivism given the large number of stylistic resources of the text that the interpreter must consider. Among all the theories, that offered by Bacon since the beginning of the 20th century, with its different extensions and details, has been gaining greater acceptance for its explanation of the unity and centrality of the five great discourses of the gospel. The
propose of this article is to verify and specify the unity, content and structure of the discursive sections by analyzing the formulas used by Matthew to finalize the five speeches, as well as the lexical and narrative resources used at the beginning of such sections.


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How to Cite

Hernández Valencia, Juan Sebastián. 2020. “The Discoursive Sections in the Gospel of Matthew: Study of Its Structure and Literary Patterns”. Revista Bíblica 82 (1-2):79-98.



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