About the Journal


Revista Bíblica was founded in 1939 by Dr Johannes Straubinger as a subsidy "for the understanding of Holy Scripture". Convinced of the irreplaceable place of the Word of God in the life of the Church, he wanted to make use of the instruments and the results of the nascent Biblical Science, to help the People of God to meet more and more with the riches of the bread of the Word.


Today the Journal publishes original articles (preferably in Spanish or Portuguese) related to the biblical sciences, including philological, literary, exegetical, historical or theological research.


The publication of scientific research articles seeks to foster communication among specialists and to make the results of the biblical sciences available to those who are not experts in the same field. It is also intended to reach pastors, theology graduates, students and teachers in colleges and universities.

Responsible persons

The journal is owned by the Asociación Bíblica Argentina, a civil association that brings together writers from this country and the region. The board of directors of the ABA appoints a Director and entrusts him with the direct management of the journal, the formation and coordination of an Editorial Board plus the annual report and consultation of the Advisory Board.

Articles and summaries of the journal can be found in the ATLA Religion Database and DIALNET. Its articles are digitized and the full text can be downloaded -after one year of publication- from its own website (https://www.revistabiblica.com).

Before that time, they can also be requested by e-mail at revistabiblica@abargentina.org.


Revista Biblica publishes four issues a year, in two volumes that appear in June and December respectively.


Papers should be sent in pdf and Word format (or similar) to the Editor of the Journal: revistabiblica@abargentina.org; director@revistabiblica.com

Only papers composed according to the guidelines indicated in the "Instructions" of the Journal, which can be downloaded from this page, will be accepted for evaluation. For the elaboration of the bibliographic references, the magazine uses a version of the "Chicago" style manual adapted to the Latin languages, whose "format" can be downloaded from Zotero, Mendeley and the website.

Before being accepted for publication, the articles will be submitted to a peer-review process (with the "double-blind" peer-review system) to ensure their suitability for the objectives of the Journal. This evaluation is carried out by external referees, specialists in the respective subjects. In addition, various software will be used to detect possible plagiarism.

By submitting an article, the Author grants the Journal a license to use it and transfers to it the "rights to the first publication" (printed and digital) and the various ways in which it can be disseminated through other media. The Author retains the "copyright" of the articles published in this magazine, but may only use the same results in other publications, clearly indicating that Revista Bíblica is the medium of the original publication and stating the exact reference.

Code of Conduct

Revista Biblica does not necessarily identify with the opinion expressed by the authors in their respective articles. But in the process of admission of articles for publication, seeks to ensure honesty and intellectual independence, ethical integrity academic and research, and respect for intellectual property, adhering to the Code of Conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics

COPE Code of Conduct. In case of suspicion of malpractice, the Editorial Board will first address the author and, if no satisfactory answer is obtained, will communicate its doubts or comments to the authors' institution so that they can investigate what happened. In case of proven fraud, it will publish the news in the next issue.

More information: https://www.revistabiblica.com/about/nuestra-revista/?lang=en